Announcing the Winners of's First Review Contest

Monday is upon us, which means it's time to announce the winners of the Fall Review Contest, but first, I'd like to thank everyone who submitted reviews in the past five weeks. Every review helps RVers make a more informed decision about where to stay, making a more useful resource. It's been great to see so many new members pop up. We're glad that you're part of our community.

And now, onto the winners:

First the two winners for the best review, who will each be receiving a $50 gas card, are NuRVers (for his review of Lost Alaskan RV Resort) and OkieDave for his review of Glen Ayr Waterfront Resort.

With 32 reviews between September 7 and October 15, wins the prize for the most reviews. Stay tuned to the blog for an upcoming guest blog post from them about RVing and the environment, as well as an upcoming WiFi related post.

There will also be another contest so keep visiting the site for more information. I got to read many great reviews during the contest, so I hope that you will all keep adding reviews.

